What does EMC3 mean?
It means Emergency, Maintenance and Chemical Management best practices for the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) , Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
and the Department of Transportation (DOT)
What is EMC3?
It is a Management System designed with the intent to meet the written program requirements for an organization’s EPA (environmental), OSHA (safety) and DOT (transportation) compliance standards while empowering you to implement standard practices and training across the organization in an effective way. It is only a simple six step process from beginning to solution.
How is an EMC3 created?
It is done by consolidating the required compliance standards under titles 29 (OSHA), 40 (EPA) and 49 (DOT) of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) into a Compliance Management System.
How do you know what standards apply to me?
Through our online policy profiling system we will gain knowledge of what policies you need to have in place to meet the basic compliance requirements for each agency. In conjunction with the profile, we use our EMC3 customer compliance survey to initially assign responsibility to job titles and this provides us with information a consultant can analyze for quality cross checks. Basically the data from the input will tells us people, process and place information necessary to create an EMC3 custom template. This custom template now can be manipulated by you, the end user for even more customizing.
How do I know what training is required for each of my employees?
You will also have access to an online training analyzer to help you choose the proper training for each job function, eliminating unproductive overtraining.
What is the purpose of EMC3?
The purpose is to establish the required policies, procedures and training to meet the OSHA, EPA and DOT federal standards.
What comprises the EMC3 system?
The system combines Emergency, Maintenance and Chemical Management practices from three agencies — EPA, OSHA, and DOT – with an integrated behavioral-based training program that is adapted to your existing management structure.
How much does EMC3 cost?
The cost of the System is $9,999.00. Subscription Pricing and Policy only pricing available.
Includes: an online compliance profile and consultant cross checked customized EMC3 template for ongoing change management, an unlimited use of the on-line training profiler, training for up to 25 people on-line, a branded online LMS with tracking and records management capabilities, customized written policies and a virtual place to store them, as well as many proprietary implementation tools to assure ongoing compliance.
What does management get with EMC3?
Basically you get Compliance Methodologies for Chemical Inventory Management, Service and Maintenance Management, Material Handling Management, Emergency Management, Records and Training Management.
What is the goal of an EMC3?
The Emergency, Maintenance and Chemical Management System will reduce repetitive training and written program requirements, establish a tracking system for training and record keeping management, free up time for other responsibilities without jeopardizing safety, and implement a culture of employee involvement.
What is included in an EMC3?
It includes written program requirements to meet the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Department of Transportation (DOT) compliance standards with a built in checks and balances program to verify compliance and specifically assign responsibility to specific personnel. You also get assessment forms and tools to help achieve compliance under the federal standards. Just as important to policy is training. With EMC3 you further get online training, curriculums, power point presentations, and EZ explanations of the standards and well as audit check lists for weekly / monthly self inspections to verify compliance with the standards and applied and proven methodologies, a job task assessment, accident/incident investigations, equipment service and maintenance reviews and physical property audits.
What is the benefit of this system over the competitors?
Unlike any other program, it is a Three Agency (EPA, OSHA and DOT) that is used to create a sustainable compliance management system designed to eliminate ineffective compliance waste. The program is user friendly and driven by a consultant creating a custom template unique to only your needs. It allows you to assign compliance responsibilities and designated tasks. It is used to gain valuable employee behavioral and cultural buy-in. The training is instituted through documented and consistent On-line trainer or employee training and records management, standard “train the trainer” training curriculums, Power Point Presentation and Trainers Easy Explanations. Finally, our system is maintained through program audits and physical work environment audit checklists.
What actual policies do I get with EMC3?
The following are the written Compliance Programs for Occupational Safety and Health administration, the Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Transportation:
Chemical Management System: Hazard Communication, Hazardous Material Transportation, Hazardous Waste Disposal, Special Waste Program: Asbestos Used Oil, and Universal Waste, Lab Safety, Compressed Gas, Flammable Liquids, and Liquefied Petroleum
Emergency Management Systems:
Bloodborne Pathogens Program/ Accident/Incident Investigation, Emergency Action Plan, Fire Prevention Plan (Risk and System and Equipment Maintenance), and Waste Management Contingency Plan. Includes Emergency Procedure Guidance by the computers programmed job label function.
Maintenance, Material Handling and Storage Systems Management includes a Personnel Protective Equipment Hazard Assessment Policy (eye, face, respirator, head, feet, hands and ears) Assessment Form / Respirator Program / Hearing Conservation Program and Fall Protection Confined Space Statement, Lockout / Tagout Program – Service and Maintenance Analysis Form, Electrical Program and other materials management programs for guarding, lifts, signs, slings and welding.