What is included in the Building Measures Suite?

Three separate tools: a WORCing Building Valuation™, a WORCing Building Operating & Maintenance Benchmarks™ and WORCing Building Conditions™.  These three tools, used, are for planning building maintenance and optimal utilization of the building systems.

What is a WORCing Building Valuation™?

This is a process of building your building virtually. Through your input of simple building information via pre-programed dropdown windows of building square footage, building type and building system information, we can build your building as a replacement cost value with current values and based upon your actual zip code. This is a good way to better understand the replacement value of one of your largest assets.

What is a WORCing Building Operating & Maintenance Benchmarks™?

This is a virtual comparison of benchmarked industries with similar building types and square footages.  This tool will project, based upon your input, facility related full time equivalent functions and project operations and maintenance projected budgeting. A tool that can be used to help diagnose if a building is operating effectively or has adequate maintenance budgeted to keep the building sustainable. It can be use as a gauge for External Building Maintenance, Janitorial Costs, Internal Building Maintenance, Utility Maintenance and Utility Costs, Security Costs, Life Safety Costs, Roads and Grounds Maintenance.

What is a WORCing Building Conditions™ assessment?

This tool uses your observations to determine functional adequacy of your building, system by system.  This self-assessment takes your observations and through an upload into the computer program, calculates building deficiency costs per system and determines a multi-year priority of necessary building repairs.  Basically, we calculate what it would take to bring the building back to “like new qualities” under current building codes.

Can each tool be used independently?

Yes, but the quality of the replacement value calculation for your building needs to be accurate for the calculator to function properly.  Not everyone calculates building replacement value the same. Inaccurate values lead to inadequate calculations.  We recommend you use our valuation process for this purpose.

Why would I buy these tools?

To better understand building replacement values for insurance and asset management purposes, to get a functional understanding of best of class business operational and maintenance expected expenses and to get in tune with where your building is in need of maintenance and at what project cost to fix.

Who should fill out these tools?

Preferably someone with building and facilities knowledge, but many people do it in teams to gain optimal vision of a building and documentation of true deficiencies.

How much do these tools cost?

A building valuation, operation and maintenance benchmark and building conditions package is $350.00/building.  It is a three step process from inputs to our output reports which are emailed directly back to you or placed on the cloud for you to retrieve. Individually, a building valuation is $50.00 per building, an O & M benchmark is $100.00/building and a conditions assessment is $300.00/building.

Can anyone fill out these tools?

They were made for the average person, but there is no perfect answer to this question.  If you miss something, it is not the end of the world though; you will still be able to get a good big picture.

How long does it take to complete the Building Suite?

The complete input and observation of a building can be done in a matter of hours, if the information is readily available and you have knowledge of your building and building systems.

Who would buy this tool?

A financial, facilities or maintenance manager would use this tool for budgeting purposes and a way to assign value to a repair of building deficiencies. Many use it for executive overview information in board meetings and management discussions. This is a key tool for master planning your building and site.