Several years ago, my partners and I evolved our business practices into The W.O.R.C.S. Inc., a multifaceted product research, design, development and consulting company focused on client specific Waste Elimination strategies.

Today we are happy to present our line of self-assessing, self-implementing Enterprise Risk Measures that over the past several years we have created, tested and positively implemented at our client locations in many markets like: Education, Government, Assembly, Manufacturing and Hospital.

Our ability to create behavioral changes and cultural improvement through product engineering for our clients has given us a competitive edge in the past and we want to share this knowledge, these skills and ours market understanding with you.

And now with in2vate’s alliance and LMS Platform, these measures will revolutionize market focused Risk Reduction and Operational Effectiveness improvement strategies for niche based markets.

Our WORCing Measures and Implementation Tools are self-implementable and sustainable, because when used in harmony with one another create systems focused on the core functions of all organizations: Building, Site, Process and Community creating business improvements that will simultaneously enhance core business functions effectively cross the enterprise.

We focus our measurements on the following functional areas, Employee, Operational Effectiveness, Risk Reduction and Management, Building Operations and Maintenance, Site Management, Community Outreach and Environmental signature. Our tools encompass the 5 P’s (People, Process, Place, Pier and Planet) of business and the 2 Q’s (Qualitative and Quantitative) of controls so you can be compared to Best of Class.

Peter T. Lemke CHMM, CEA
The W.O.R.C.S., Inc.

President’s Message