Accidents Cost Money

Small business owners and major corporations alike now realize that the actual cost of a lost workday injury is substantial. For every dollar you spend on the direct costs of a worker’s injury or illness, you will spend much more to cover the indirect and hidden costs. Consider what one lost workday injury would cost you in terms of:

  • Productive time lost by an injured employee;
  • Productive time lost by employees and supervisors attending the accident victim;
  • Clean up and start up of operations interrupted by the accident;
  • Time to hire or to retrain other individuals to replace the injured worker until his/her return;
  • Time and cost for repair or replacement of any damaged equipment or materials;
  • Cost of continuing all or part of the employee’s wages, in addition to compensation;
  • Reduced morale among your employees, and perhaps lower efficiency; Increased workers’ compensation insurance rates; and
  • Cost of completing paperwork generated by the incident.

Controlling Your Losses

If you would like to reduce the costs and risks associated with workplace injuries and illnesses, you need to address safety and health right along with production.

Establishing a Loss Control Program helps you do this. In developing the program, you identify what must be done to promote the safety and health of your employees and worksite, and you outline policies and procedures to achieve your safety and health goals.

Who Should Attend?

This course is for employees who:

  • Manage your safety program
  • Manage your business
  • Supervise employees
  • Are involved in your safety committee
  • Investigate accidents
  • Track your OSHA recordables
  • Manage your worker compensation program

Learning Outcomes

At the completion of this course will have the tools to:

  • Understand the benefits of a loss control program
  • Develop a loss control program in your organization
  • Communicate effectively with employees
  • Assess hazards
  • Develop hazard control measures
  • Conduct effective accident investigations
  • Develop safety rules and work procedures
  • Establish effective safety training
  • Assign safety responsibilities
  • Conduct workplace assessments
  • Develop a safety action plan

Course Format

Training is instructor-led multimedia presentation incorporating instructor lecture, group discussion, and hands-on break-out sessions.  Learners will use a workbook that contains a hard copy of the presentation, forms, and tools that they can apply in your workplace.  They will also have access to the WORCS Website library of useful tools.

This course is 8-hours.  Lunch and refreshments will be provided. 


If you are interested in attending this training, please use the Contact Form and indicate the seminar you wish to attend. Click here to download the brochure.