This is a suite of online tools is to help you evaluate the state of your OSHA, EPA, DOT compliance programs and training:


The first four tools are free to use:

  • The Compliance Policy Profiler helps you determine which policies apply to your organization and in which you may have implementation deficiences.
  • The Training Analyzer helps you determine the required training for either for your company or for specific job functions. There are three analyzers: OSHA, Transport, and Environmental.
  • The Cost of Compliance is a calculator which estimates the cost of non-compliance. (note: the Compliance Policy Profiler must be completed before this calculator can be used)
  • The Cost of Injury calculator shows you the direct and indirect costs of work related injuries.

If you would like access to these free tools, complete the form below and you will be emailed a link to access the tools.

The final tool in this suite is the WORCing Risk Measure Analyzer™

Used for both a big picture self-assessment and an enterprise perspective risk drill down by job funtion. This tool correlates your opinions with benchmarks to gain a sites risk management perspective that is compared to industries standard. Simply put – benchmarks for best of class organizations

Follow these measures and go beyond Compliance Management  into Risk Performance Measurement and Management

The analysis will empower you to ascertain how well your risk is managed through a survey that analyzes: leadership, employee participation, workplace analysis, accident & incident records review, hazard prevention and controls, emergency response and safety, environmental and transportation training. The output will measure for how well risk is managed and communicated in your organization. The analysis uses your observations, and compares them to qualitative and quantitative WORCing benchmarks © as well as other staff opinions — resulting in a tiered risk reduction and operational effectiveness change solution delivering three waves of solutions empowering you and your staff to create positive change in risk management.

The deliverable is an interactive PDF. The content may not display in you browser. Save the sample to your device and open with Adobe Reader.

Sign up and measure your compliance for FREE: